Saturday, January 6, 2018

We Thank Thee O' God for a Prophet

Our dear Prophet President Thomas S. Monson passed away of nature causes on January 2nd, 2018 at 10:01 pm in his home at the age of 90. He has been a light in the gospel of Christ and a beacon to all who follow his counsel. We will miss him! God be with him til' we meet again and hosannah to his life's work in bringing the truth and light of Christ!!

The Prophets funeral will be live on
To watch a video of his life view here

What will you remember most about President Monson?
I will always remember that he would always have a smile on his face and would tell something humorous, he will always be remembered as a happy man for me.

We Thank Thee O' God for President Monson!

Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! Sorry that I haven't been up to date on the blog, it has been a busy Christmas season. Here is how my Christmas season started. At the start of the season my mom decided to invite the family to gather together for activities. Here's her list:
Friday, December 8 - daughters and their kids meet at home at 1:30 to go to the Dickens Festival!

Saturday, December 9—Everyone who can meets at home at 4:40 to go to little sister’s birthday movie and dinner!  “Daddy’s Home 2” and Aroma!

Saturday, December 16–Everyone who can meets at home at 3:15 to go to second older brother’s birthday movie and dinner!  “Star Wars” and Itto Sushi!

Tuesday, December 19–Meet at home at 6:00 to go to “Christmas in Color” drive-through display and then to Village Inn for pie & hot chocolate for Mom’s birthday!

Wednesday, December 20–All the girls meet at home at noon for A Proper English Tea Party for Mom’s birthday!

Friday/Saturday, December 22/23—Travel to Arizona!

Christmas in Arizona with Grandpa & Grandma!

Tuesday/Wednesday, December 26/27—Travel home!

On the 18th I had to make a tart for my mom's birthday party, on 19th we had my husband's family come eat dinner and play games, so we didn't go to the 'Christmas in color', on the 20th was my mom's party, 21st we hung out with my husband's brother & his family for dinner, and the 22nd we left for Arizona to see my grandparents & uncles. Hopefully this year will not be as busy as this last year!

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

#LightTheWorld Day 5

#LightTheWorld Day 5
Matthew 15:4 KJV
For God commanded, saying, Honour thy father and mother: and, He that curseth father or mother, let him diethe death.

What can we do today to honor our parents as a family:

  • Doubt not the good things you were taught as a child
  • Being obedient
  • I called/Facetimed my mom yesterday to see me and her grandson.

#LightTheWorld Day 4

#LightTheWorld Day 4
Matthew 22:39 KJV
And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
Ways we can love our neighbors as a family:

  • Respect our neighbors space/privacy

Monday, December 4, 2017

2017 The First Presidency Christmas Devotional

Last night was my church's (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints). This is where the first presidency (The Prophet, first counselor, and second counselor) gather people to listen either at the conference center or via the internet. They ask in advance three Elders or Sisters to speak that night and ask the conductor to pick three Christmas songs for the Mormon Tabernacle Choir to sing. The speakers and conductor pray most earnestly to know what to put in their talks or what to sing, it is by the Holy Ghost that prompts them with a thought or feeling that this is what they should be taught or be listening to.

The music the conductor picked:
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
What Shall We Give
Glory to God
O Little Town of Bethlehem
Silent Night (The Mormon Tabernacle Choir sang the first two verses & congregation joined in in the third verse.)

The based of what I got out of the devotional was to love and not to stop loving.
The first talk was told by a Sister who told us Christmas is the season to give love, service, and forgiveness.
The second talk was told by an Elder about love.
The third talk was told by an Elder about never ending love toward someone and not to be embarrassed about being poor. Currently my husband works from Monday mornings to Friday Afternoons and on Saturday he goes to school full time. We are still living under our means, but when we were at college we were living on less than we have today. We went to thrift shops to find 'new' things and shopped at  Walmart or Albertsons (which ever one had cheaper products). We even had a couch the renters before us left for us because they didn't want it and we didn't have any couch, table, or chairs, we only had our bed and frame.

Have a Merry Christmas!
Here's the link to the Christmas 2017 devotional:

FHE: How can we be like the Stripling Warriors in the Book of Mormon in our day?

FHE Lesson: How can we be like the Stripling Warriors in the the Book of Mormon in our day?

7 Israel, Israel God Is Calling
82 For All the Saints
246 Onward Christian Soldier
248 Up, Awake, Oh Ye Defenders of Zion
250 We Are All Enlisted
251 Behold! A Royal Army

Children's Songbook
Holding Hands Around the World
Scripture Power
Two Thousand Stripling Warriors
Two Thousand Stripling Warriors (LeBaron)

Alma 53:20-21, 56:9-11 (traits of the stripling warriors)
Alma 56:46 (How God was with them)
Alma 56:47-48, 57:21 (Doubt not what their mothers taught them)
Alma 56:27 (Their fathers helping provide for them during the war)
Alma 56:56 (After their battle)
Alma 57: 19-20 (How they conquered fatigue)
Alma 57: 25-26, 58:40 (Health of the stripling warriors)
Alma 57:27 (Their faith never dwindling)
Alma 58:9-11 (Feeling fear & grief, which is of Satan, they prayed for strength and were assured by God)
Alma 58:33 & 37 (Their trust in God)

Stripling Warriors by Elder M. Russell Ballard (2:41)

Mothers & Daughters by Elder M. Russell Ballard

  1. As a mother/father/bro/sis/friend what can I/we do to strengthen our family/friends/ church?
  2. As a child of God what can I do to strengthen my testimony/life?
  1. Read your scriptures together as a family and personally, Pray together as a family and personally, bear testimony of the thing you know are to be true.
  2. Read the Book of Mormon and pray of its truthfulness, and bear your testimony at home, school, church, etc.
Stripling Warriors game board

James H. Fullmer's Book of Mormon Battles card game

Book of Mormon Quest

Pioneer-Plus Book of Mormon bands

Book of Mormon Headbands (I made up)
What you will need:
Book of Mormon Battle cards (or something similar, I know $$ is tight!)
Headbandz headbands (optional)
Timer (30 sec. or less)
Tokens (beans, pennies, etc)

The first player to get rid (or gets) all of the chips wins!

Set Up
Place each of the cards face down in the middle of the playing area and read over the Headbanz Rules.
Each player then takes a headband and adjusts it around his or her head (or holds it on their forehead).
Deal out one card, facedown, to each participant.  Be sure to keep the Rules close in case any of the players have questions.
Players then place each card into the clip of his or her headband.  Be sure not to look at it as you put it in the headband!  All other players must be able to see the picture.
Each player gets three chips, to be handed out by dealer.  Any leftover chips become the “bank”‘s property. Or no chips unless you win the card on your forehead.
The youngest participant takes the first turn (or to the left/right of the dealer).  Then play passes to the left.
When it’s your turn, just flip over the timer and ask each of the players a question that will help you figure out what the picture is on your head.  
Once you’ve asked each player a question, simply begin another round and then another.
The question cards provide examples of the types of questions that you could ask to help you figure out what the picture is on your head.  No one has to follow the sample questions exactly, but players are not allowed to ask, “What am I?”.  However they may ask, “Am I a…?”
If you guess the picture before the timer runs out, simply take another card and put it behind your headband. Continue to ask questions until the timer runs out.  For each picture that is guessed correctly, you simply put one of your chips into the “bank”, signaling the end of your turn.
Players are always free to give up guessing at any point during their turn.  But if that player does give up, they must take a chip from the bank. Or not gain a chip for not winning the card.

#LightTheWorld Day 3

#LightTheWorld Day 3
Matthew 12:12 KJV
How much then is a man better than a sheep? Wherefore it is lawful to do well on the sabbath days.
Ways we can help others on the sabbath as a family:

  • I took care of my friends daughters and our son while my husband and friends practiced singing for the Christmas program on the 17th.